Sunday, January 1, 2012

Alaskan Resolutions

It is a new year and 2012 came in cold and quiet.  It is the time for people to make new years resolutions.  My resolutions are not about things to change about myself only about things I need to do this coming year here at Katmai and in Alaska.  I thought I would share my list with you.

1.  Can you guess what it is?  Of course it is to see a moose.  I need to make sure that they do exist.

2.  I would like to hike to the lava dome this year.

3.  I want to radio collar 8 wolves and monitor their movements.

4.  See the Katmai coast.

5.  Study anything at Aniakchak just to go back.

6.  See the Alagnak River

7.  Get a few soft grants to do more fun stuff here.

8.  Learn to salmon fish

9.  Get an ATV to travel around on.

10.  Learn to hunt.

The most important thing I would like to happen in 2012 is for my husband to get a job up here so we can share and explore Alaska together.

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