Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wolf Call

Yesterday was a very cold day.  The high never got above -20.  Everyone was bundled and cars were having a hard time starting.  Eveyone pretty much stayed indoors.  The cold air turned all the trees and bushes and shrubs white with a very thick frost.  Buildings crackled in the cold.  I tried to walk down by the river today to get some pictures of the river but I turned around when my cheeks got too cold and my dog was trying to float in the air instead of walk on the cold road.  It was tator tot Friday so a few of us went over to Eddies for lunch.  It was pretty quiet there too.  I thought my whole day was going to be pretty boring but the last thing I did before going to bed was take my dog out one last time.  As she was sniffing the ground I heard a very strange noise.  At first I did not know what it was.  Then I realized a wolf as howling in the distance.  A few seconds later the howl was answered and then I heard numerous calls and yips.  Somewhere out in the tundra a pack of wolves were playing in the cold.  I listened until I could no longer stand the cold and the sound faded.  It was a great way to end the day.

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