Friday, December 16, 2011

The Chinook is Here

We are going through our second chinook of the month.  What they are is strong warm air winds.  The temperature is 38 degrees right now but the winds are blowing at 50 mph with gust up to 75 to 100 mph.  They blow warm air.  I know 38 doesn't sound warm but it is for here.  These winds blow so that doors rattle and the wind hitting the side of the house sounds like a train just crashed into it. 

If the weather continues like the last one that kept me in Anchorage for 4 extra days, today will be very windy.  Then it will rain turning everything into a large ice rink, then the temp will drop and the rain will turn into snow.  Very wet heavy snow and with the wind still blow and  it will become a blizzard.  When everything quiets down we will have a large amount of snow on the ground above a layer of ice.  Makes walking so nice.

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