Monday, December 5, 2011

Got Moose

I would love to tell you that yesterday was great but I can't.  I spent the day studying statistics and I hate math.  And for the report you all have been waiting for.

I saw a moose head on the wall in the hotel.
I saw pretty blue lighted moose for Christmas on the BP lawn.
I saw a moose crossing the next three miles sign
I heard on the radio that there were no accidents or slowdowns this morning but be sure to watch out for that occasional moose!
My meeting is at the Alaska Pacific University which is a gorgeous campus, surrounded by birch and pine trees,  and has a lake.  It is beautiful but no moose.  Did see 35 dogs running around the lake.
Went by the Applebees parking lot - twice- NO MOOSE!
I sat in my hotel room glancing outside often and no moose.

So far all I can tell you is it is a pain to drive or walk in Anchorage in the winter.  Not a thrilling report.  Good thing DQ is down the street and the candy cane bliss blizzards are divine.

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