Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unexpected Trip Home

Hello, I am sorry about missing a couple of days.  I have had to rush home for a family emergency.  So I was home four days and flew back to Anchorage then home to Minnesota.  Flights around Alaska are never dull as we had strong winds the day I flew out.  The flight was so rough that even the flight attendant said the this is a rough one and immediately sat down and buckled herself in.  That was not comforting to say the least.  I wasn't sure I was going to make it to Anchorage.  When I got off the plane, the gate person went "Mrs. Anderson we just put you on this damn plane".

Four hours in the Anchorage airport than on to Portland.  I arrived in Portland had 20 minutes to get to my next flight.  I made it, no problem.   Arrived in Minnesota but my suitcases did not.  There were not even showing up on their computer scene.   I filed my claim and left the airport.  I had just spent 19 hours in airports and flying.  I was exhausted.  We went to bed early only to be awaken at midnight by the courier who was to deliver my suitcase.  I was informed that they would be delivering my suitcase at 2 am and I needed to be there to sign for them.  Are you kidding me was my response.  I told them to deliver them first thing in the morning.  they arrived at noon the next day, after two very angry phone calls upon which I learned they had arrived at the airport at 5pm the night before.  What horrible service Delta airlines has.  If it had been Alaska air I would have gotten 2000 miles added to my account.  Delta gave me a little bag with a toothbrush that sucked, toothpaste, a comb and a razor.  Merry Christmas!

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