Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Day at the Airport

What a long day.  I checked out of my hotel at noon and went to the airport.  Got there about noon my flight didn't leave until 4:30.  Anchorage airport may be a fun place to hang out if you are flying to the lower 48 but it isn't so exciting if you are flying to the bush.  I went to check in and was told I could not do that until 12:30 but they let me weigh my suitcase and tote box.  My tote box weighed 56 pounds and my suitcase weighed 47 pounds.  So I had to rearrange things.  Inside my tote I had 8 pounds of butter to take home.  This was an easy fix I took six pounds of butter.  I put three pounds in my suitcase and three pounds in my back pack.  Problem solved then I waited until 12:30 to check in.  When I checked in my tote box weighed 52.5 pounds and my suitcase weighed 48 pounds.  Not sure what happened to the scales in that 20 minutes but they need to get that fixed.

I sat and read a book for four hours with a quick dash to the snack shop for supper.  At 4:30 we were told that we would be delayed for 30 minutes as they had to wait for a flight crew.  There 13 of us flying to King Salmon and a full plane of people on another flight heading to Dillingham.  Five minutes later they canceled the Dillingham flight.  5:00 came and they announced they were still looking for a flight crew.  5:30 our crew has arrived as soon as they are on the plane we will get you all aboard so that you can go home.  Ahuh.  Yep, ten minutes late our flight was canceled because of weather.  Great!  We were told that we could fly standby tomorrow with 30 other people from three canceled flights earlier in the day.  Or we could book the next available seat.  Monday night.

I called my boss to see what I should do.  I was told to book the next available seat but try to get on a flight sooner if possible.  So that is what I did.  I booked the flight for Monday night and I said I would fly standby if possible.  I also asked if they were putting us up in a hotel for night.  I was told that the answer was no.  Reason being the flight was canceled because of weather.  But I retorted that we were delayed an hour because of your lack of a flight crew.  If you had a flight crew we may have been able to get home. But Now an hour and half later we have no flight.  So the ladies at the counter agreed and called their boss and explained the situation, that person agreed but could not make the decision so she would call her supervisor. Whom we learned was at the Pen Air Christmas Party. An hour later we were finally told that no Pen Air would not be putting us up for the night as we were cancelled for weather and that is not their responsibility.

So I called the hotel I left earlier in the day and got a room for the next two nights.  Sucks!  I was ready to go home,  Well, maybe the moose planned it and they will make an appearance before I leave.  I would like that.


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