Friday, December 2, 2011

Unpredictable Weather!

So no moose survey yesterday.  It was windy in the morning than it got windier.  Than the snow fell.  Great big, wet, heavy snow.  It was so beautiful.  30 minutes later that snow had turned to rain.  Huge raindrops falling at huge amounts.  Now with our ground frozen the rain had no place to go so it just pooled up.  Then of course to be nice mother nature dropped the temps back below freezing so by the time I walked home from work it was a sheer ice rink all the way home.  As the night went on it was  little sleet, little rain and a little snow.  It was enough to drive you crazy. 

NOAA the supposedly experts of weather said we would have an accumulation of and inch or two on the ground this morning but no go.  It looks like it might be misting outside I will have to wait and see when I open the door.  It is below freezing so it is a good thing I bought the ice grippers for my boots otherwise I would be falling all over the place.  It is my guess that the moose have their hoofs on the weather dial and are laughing it up turning it right and left.

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