Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hiring Help for the Summer

It is that time of year when the National Parks start hiring for the summer season.  Here at Katmai we see a high turnover rate of seasonal employees.  Our remoteness and expense makes it hard to keep people coming back year after year.  That being said our park is one of the most magical places to work.  You have days filled with endless sunshine, though it never gets hot.  The scenery is beautiful and you can enjoy a variety of activities on your time off.  And where else can you work with such magnificent creatures as the brown bears of Katmai.  If you are interested in a position for the summer go to to apply.  Right now summer interpretive staff positions are being advertised, maintenance positions will open soon along with the Alaska Region call for wildlife techs.  Though right now we are not sure if we will be hiring a wildlife tech as all of last years staff has till Feb 1 to let us know if they are coming back.  Good Luck to all that apply!

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