Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yes Virgina There are Moose in Alaska!!!!!

What a great day yesterday was.  The rocks bounced and we got to go to Brooks Camp which was beautiful all draped in white and frosted over.  The river was still open but the lakes were all froze.  We spent 2 1/2 hours out there doing the Christmas Day Bird Count.  It was so much fun.  The temperature in King Salmon when we left was -17 but it was only -8 there.  It felt so much better there than here. 

We counted 21 birds and had 8 different species which is more than we thought we would see since it was so cold.  The most amazing sightings was four American Dippers.  They were diving in and out of the water catching food and we were bundled up in lots of layers just amazed that they were actually in the water.  The other species we saw were Raven, black capped chickadees, dark eyed juncos, red polls, gray jays, downy woodpeckers,and  magpies of course.

On the flight back to King Salmon we saw them.  First one hunkered down in the snow.  Then we saw a mom and calf, sitting in the snow and then just before we landed we saw another one.  Four moose on one trip it was a great thrill to see them.  I loved it.  It was amazing!  Now I am happy!  On to the next creature I want to see.  I would love to see a wolverine next but I think I will concentrate on the wolves we will be collaring next month. 

Life here in Alaska - It is the best!

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