Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Sad State of Affairs

I was in meetings all day yesterday.  I so wanted to be out at Brooks Camp.  I wanted to be anywhere but the meetings.  Not only did the meetings keep me from going to Brooks but from seeing all the wildlife that is out and about. I missed a female moose and calf.  I missed seeing a northern harrier.  I missed trumpeter swans in the river.  There is something wrong with this system when the wildlife biologist isn't seeing the wildlife.

Update from the people who made it out to Brooks.  There was a young adult hanging out down by the river.  No one could tell who it was.  Otherwise the snow was melting around the buildings and the maintenance crew were working on getting everything up and functional for all the visitors.  I have less than a month before my first stay out there. 

Post your guess on when you think I will see my first bear in the comment section.  Winner receives the new Katmai 100th anniversary book.  It is beautiful and the pictures are breath taking.  Remember though I will not be in Alaska from April 23 -May 14.  For the next two weeks reports will be from the Grand Canyon.  Wonder if I will have a chance to see wildlife there.

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