Monday, April 9, 2012

Off to Anchorage

Well we are nine days in to April and still no change.  I work everyday at my computer.  I am planning the new summer schedule but we still have plenty of snow and the ice is still on the river.  I love hiking in the woods but I never see a creature.  I know I have a family of hares living under my back porch but I only know that because I see their tracks going out and back under it.  I did however see a bald eagle fly by my living room windows at window level on Friday night.  That is the coolest thing that has happened here in a week.  I could not even get an owl survey in because of course the weather would not cooperate.

Today I leave for four days in Anchorage?  I am attending the state wildlife society meeting.  Four days of talks and trainings and shopping.  I have a car rented so I might do a little exploring.  Hopefully I will see something cool but I am not holding my breath.  It seems the lure of the moose is leaving me.  I have decided to wait and see what is in store.  But I really need to get back to field work.

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