Sunday, April 22, 2012

Changes in the River

Yesterday I went looking for whales.  The belugas should be arriving soon.  Naknek River is pretty open with icebergs floating off to Bristol Bay.  Hundreds of birds line the shoreline waiting for the ice to open on area ponds and lakes.  I saw tundra swans, white-fronted geese, common goldeneyes, pintails and widgeons.  I saw mew gulls and eagles.  But no whales. 

King Salmon Creek was wide open on Tuesday but yesterday it had closed back up.  Ice chunks froze together making the river look rough and cold.  It was quite unusual.  Ice flows were being pushed up the creek banks.  Not the same as on Tuesday with the water flowing and the look of spring. 

The to add to the thrill of Spring the neighborhood has a female moose and calf yet I have not seen it.    I am not sure what the moose have against me but it is becoming very frustrating.  Last night the neighborhood had a potluck dinner and everyone was asking me if I saw it.  At east I was not the only one with out seeing it.  But really!!!!!!

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