Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where are the Adventures?

I haven't written anything for a few days.  Not because I was in the field.  Not because I was sick.  I haven't written because there has been nothing going on.  I am in the office  either working on data, writing reports or grants or attending meetings.  I come home and go for walks but I see nothing.  Even days where the wind howls is just another day.

Now I understand why people go on vacation for weeks this time of year.  Every week our office has less and less people in it as workers take off for vacation.  I would love to join them but I have to go back and forth to MN so many times this year that all my vacation time and money is being saved for that.  Why can't colleges graduate the class in March in stead of May or June.

My only hope is that the wind stays down and the sun comes out so moose surveys can be performed.  But I am not holding my breath.  The weather just does not understand that I want out of the office.

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