Sunday, April 3, 2011

Questions, Questions, Questions???????

Sunday mornings we usually sleep  in.  This morning I just laid there while Ken slept, wondering about things in Alaska.

What will my new home look like?  Will it have a view?  How far away from the office is it?  Does the mail arrive at your door or do you have to go to the post office to pick it up.  Is there a post office?  Will we see wildlife life in the yard?

What time does the sun rise?  What is it going to be like to have the sun stay up for so long in the summer and be gone for so long in the winter?  Will we see the northern lights our first night there?  What does a starry night look like?  Will we hear the wolves howl? 

What will the grocery store look like?  Will it have bacon?  My dad told me he heard milk was $11 a gallon could that possibly be true?  What kind of frozen foods will they have when everything has to come in by barge?  How much is our diet going to change?  Will they sell fish, moose and caribou at the store for those of us that don't have a freezer full of food?

Will the taxi be big enough to get Craig, the animals and all our stuff to the new place after we land? Hopefully, it is a pick up.  How many buildings will actually be included in "the town"?  Will we be able to get our new cell phones right away when we get up there so we can talk to everyone?  Will the internet be set up at the house? Will I be able to tell Ken we made it in a timely manner before he sends out the troops to make sure we are safe? 

Are all the government employees housed together?  If they are, will you be able to have a private  life?  When I worked at Devils Tower all the employees were housed together and on your days off you were told to get away from the park to give yourself a break from everyone.  Where will I go to get a break?  Will I be able to get around without getting lost?  Do I need to get an Alaska Drivers License right away when I won't have a car?

These were the things going through my head while Ken slept peacably.  I  can't wait to get all the answers!  If you ever have a question don't be afraid to ask?  I'll try to answer them all, yours and mine.

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