Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good News

Good news abounds!  I recieved info on the house and it has a bed, dressers, table and chairs!  Yeah!!!!!!  Also a new partner at the park is meeting us at the airport.  She has been forwarned about the amount of junk accompanying us.

The house has internet capabilities but I will have to get it hooked up.  My choices are dial-up or satellite. UMMMMMM Interesting!!!  I did learn, there is free wifi at Eddy's, one of the greasy spoons I was telling you about.

ND must be preparing me for internet service up there as it was down most of the day here.

My glasses are in.  That is so great.  Today is the last day at the Italian Restaurant.  I'll be glad to get back to the wilderness and being outside.

I mailed the first package to myself.  It should arrive the day we get there.

Four days before we leave here, 9 days before we board the plane.  I think the butterflies are growing. 

Today I am ending with a description of bears by John Muir written in 1901.

Always in season and accessible, ranged on the mountains like stores in a pantry.  From one to another, from climate to climate, up and down he climbs, feasting on each in turn...almost everything is food except granite...the sharp muzzle thrust inquiringly forward, the long, shaggy hair on his broad chest, the stiff ears nearly buried in the hair, and the slow, heavy way in which he moved his head...how heavy and broad-footed bears are, it is wonderful how little harm they do in the wilderness.  Even in the well-watered gardens of the middle region, where the flowers grow tallest, and where during warm weather the bears wallow and roll, no evidence of destruction is visible.

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