Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Love Cabela's

I love Cabela's.  Just spent two hours searching for last minute items and for things that I am going to order from the catalog when I get up to Alaska.  I picked up a clip on mosquito repellent thing that attaches to my belt or pack and keeps the bugs away so I don't have to mess with messy lotions or sprays.  I bought a bug net that you wear over your head as I hear the mosquitoes get quite bad.  I picked up a inexpensive GPS that will let me mark 500 wave points and 10 trails.  So Craig and I can go hiking into the wild but find our way home again.  Very important when there are no trails and when you have to avoid bears it could get confusing.  I bought a new water resistant watch.  I need that because I use to use my cell phone as a timer and time keeper but it is not going to work up there so.  I also bought a rain outfit.  It is made of a very weird feeling material but Craig wore his out in the rain today and it seemed to work well.  Got a combination whistle and match holder.   I even managed to get everything packed in over full suitcases.  Two days left!

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