Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pet Day

Last night prayers were answered as the congress found a way to compromise and keep the government open.  Good News!!!  So I am still on track to go to Alaska! 

Yesterday was a day to get my animals ready for Alaska.  We took them to the vets where they were given thier updated shots.  Needless to say they were not happy campers. Camille even refused to eat her treat after the shot and she can hardly pass up food.  Little fact, in Alaska dogs are only required to have a Rabies shot.  We also learned that Alaska does not have Lyme disease, heartworm, or fleas.  What a great place for dogs and what a nice surprise for us.  No expense in things like heartworm pills and frontline.  We also learned to take the pets on the plane they needed a health certificate.  The vet said that most airlines require it performed 2 days prior to flying.  Luckily our airline, Alaska Air, require that the health check be done 30 days before flying.  So on Monday I will call the vet to get the certificate as both animals were in perfect health.  I will also get them drugs to make them nice and groggy for the flight or I might have to listen to howling all the way there.

Alaska Air needed reservations for the pets even though they will be flying in baggage.  So my loveable creatures are now booked for thier own space. It is going to cost $100 each to fly to Anchorage, where we have to pick them up because we get into Anchorage at midnight and our flight to King Salmon does not leave until 7:45am.  We will then have to recheck them in the morning and pay another $75 for the short flight to our new home.  Craig and I were planning on sleeping in the airport as I am cheap and didn't want to pay for a hotel for just a few hours. So what an adventure that should be, two humans, a dog and a cat camped out in the airport.  I hope Anchorage Airport is ready for us. 

After the vet, we went to buy kennels for our lovable travel companions.  Passing on air information, kennels need to be hard surfaced, bolted together, and have a grated door.  They must also contain a food and water dish.  We found great kennels made by Remington.  They are made to pass airline regulations.  Only problem is they had the size for Sully but not for Camille.  It is on order and should be here next week.  I have Sully's kennel sitting in the hallway with the door open.  Neither animal is used to kennels.  I am hoping that he will just want to explore and stay inside as cats love that sort of thing.  Sully can spend hours crawling under the covers in cat made tunnels.  So far though, he has only sniffed at it.  Not looking forward to telling them they are going to spend 12 hours in the thing.

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