Friday, August 5, 2011

Where Is The Sun?

For the past two weeks we have had rain. Some days it has been a light rain and a couple of days we were wondering if we should build an ark. Today when I woke up there were actual patches of blue sky. Then they disappeared. It did not rain today but in the morning there was no sun, just clouds. In the afternoon we saw quick, and I mean quick, patches of sunlight. The office manager emailed her daughter to tell her she saw her shadow but by the time she typed the message the sun had disappeared. Another coworker yelled "the sun" but by the time everyone looked up it was gone. She did explain to all of us for the 30 seconds it was out if felt good on her face.

I need to do a butterfly survey. To see butterflies you kind of need the sun. Especially here where the temperatures hardly reaches above 60. Everytime I heard someone mention the sun I would run to the window and look hoping it would clear up enough to go run the survey. Not today. Now it is 9 pm and of course the sun is shining. I think the sun has a sense of humor only I am not laughing.

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