Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Vehicle of Choice

I live in King Salmon Alaska. I have no car, no ATV and no bike. I don't miss having a car at all. I don't miss long lines at the gas station or pumpimg gas on cold icy days. I don't miss long drives to visit relatives or how it is just easier to drive my car to the store. I don't even think about anymore. I don't worry about how many miles it is to see something as if you can't walk there here you need a plane anyways.

I have found that my life now revolves around airplanes. I find myself looking up visibilities and ceiling levels. Will the fog shut down the airport so the mail plane can't get here today. Are the float planes flying because if they aren't I may not get to Brooks Camp. Or Aniakchak or back home.

Today the big talk in the office was the fact that flights from King Salmon to Anchorage had dropped $60 one way. Normally, it cost $200 to fly to Anchorage. Right now the cost is $138. Everyone was talking about it. They were trying to make holiday plans and when to go to town to shop. They were trying to figure out how many tickets to buy and for when. I found myself doing the same. Can I book a flight to go back to the states to visit? I looked it up $300 cheaper right now. My life has become controlled by airways instead of highways.

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