Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Stray Returns

So Craig and I went to the post office and who should we meet when we are just about there? The stray dog that followed me home a week or so ago. It was the same airdale dog. We went into the building and checked our mailbox which was empty, then went back outside for the walk home. The airdale was not is sight so we started on our way.

We noticed that the stray was ahead of us on the trail then it disappeared in the tall grass next to the trail. Both of us were keeping our eyes on the area where it went in the grass but we could not see it. Then I felt a nose push against my back. Somehow the loveable stray had got behind us. He looked up at us like follow me I know how to get to your house. And he ran up ahead and took the lead.

It is not the brightest dog as it kept trying to walk on the highway instead of the trail. I didn't want the dog to get hit by a passing vehicle so every time a car came we called it over to us. The we had to cross the King Salmon Creek bridge. The dumb stray walked right down the center of the road which does not have enough space for cars, walkers and strays walking in the middle of the bridge. We tried to call the dog over to us but it was no good. Then he got the smell of something and ran up ahead off of the bridge. Craig and I decided that we would take the trail that goes around the back of our house to try and loose the stray.

A few minutes went by and no stray. We thought we were in the clear. But we were wrong. No sooner had we thought we had lost him when he showed up carrying some paper in its mouth. It lead the way to the street towards our house when the neighbors passed us in their car. Lucky for us the stray followed them. I guess it thought we could handle the rest of the walk home. Then a beat up green pick up truck drove past us and the driver waved. We waved back. This is common in King Salmon as everyone is so friendly. You wave to everyone as you pass whether you know them or not.

We started talking about how the neighbors got stuck with the stray when the green pick up passed us again and this time in the back of the pick up was the airdale. He just looked at us and smiled. I guess we know now he is not a stray and his owner must be use to him following mail patrons home. We both started laughing.

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