Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What Is So Great About March?

It is really sad.  My boss said that March was the greatest month.  Well after living through most of it I would have to say I disagree.  No adventures were had.  The last owl survey we heard nothing.  No owls, no coyotes, no nothing.  I went to Naknek last Saturday and I can say that the ice on Bristol Bay is breaking up but nothing more.  I have hiked in the woods and though it is pretty with all our snow nothing exciting happened.  My work at the office is depressing as all I am doing is online trainings and finalizing reports.  How I wish I were in the fields. 

The coastal biologist has been on a near shore survey of the Katmai coast.  She got back yesterday.  I am so jealous.  She has a sunburned face and great stories to tell.  She saw all kinds of seabirds, and waterfowl.  She said there were tons of sea otters with their newborn babies.  They saw a whale.  They saw sea lions and shorebirds.  The saw a short ear owl in a nest.  They saw a coyote and a moose.  They saw a dead sea lion with wolf tracks all around it.  And best of all they saw fresh bear tracks.  Now being stuck in the office is really killing me.  I want my season to start.  I am tied of stall air and computer lighting.  I want to see all my favorite bears.  Where are you 284 when I need you!

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