Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Storm is Here!

I am sitting at my computer trying to write and the wind is howling outside.  Rain is beating against the window and freezing at the same time.  The power has blinked on and off twice in the last half hour.  The house is creaking and shuttering against the storm.  If I was still in Louisiana they would be calling this a hurricane but here it is just a storm.

It started yesterday morning with a beautiful snow fall.  Then the snow got heavy with water as the the temperatures began to rise.  Huge wet snowflakes gently fell.  Then it turned to rain.  Heavy rain and the wind picked up blowing the rain almost horizontal.  On and off the rain fell last night.  This morning the wind isn't just blowing it is demanding attention.  I may end up in Oz if this keeps up. 

There are high tide warning for the beach and there is some demented part of me that is wondering what the beach in Naknek is looking like.  I was also thinking that going to the beach after a storm like this might me interesting to visit.  Did the storm wash away enough of the cliff side to expose a dino bone?  Did the high tides wash in Tsunami debris from Japan?  What does the bay look like and how high are the waves.  I am also wondering if 284 and Tundra are safe within their newly dug dens and fast asleep as the storm rages.  I have time to think about all these things as I am not about to venture outside in the storm today!

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