Friday, November 18, 2011

Helping Me Find the Moose

Yesterday I arranged to go to Anchorage the first week in December.  I am taking a two day statistics course,  Not very excited about that but necessary.  Then I have two days of meetings with the Boreal Partners in Flight group. Should be fun as it is birding information.  Then I was asked to spend a day running errands for the office while I am in town.  Not a problem there.

The meetings are taking place on the university campus so I will need to stay in the mid-town area instead of the downtown area like last time.  So I was asking people the best places to stay and everyone said the same hotel.  Then, knowing I am constantly looking for moose, everyone was telling me where to go to make sure I see one.  Now picture the place you think you would find moose in Anchorage?  Got that picture in your mind?  Was it the Applebees parking lot?  Three different people told me to go to Applebees for dinner as there are always moose in the parking lot.  I was also told that I could find moose in the car dealship on the edge of town. 

I am a biologist.  Moose are suppose to be in the woods.  But I am desparate to see a moose.  So I am going to visit Applebees in December and see if I can see a moose.  What is the world coming to that I have to visit a restaraunt to see wildlife.

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