Monday, May 2, 2011

First Day of Work

My first day was not full of adventure but I enjoyed it all the same.  I had filled out most of my paperwork before I got here so I had some computer training to do then I studied the bear management plan.  I have been assigned the Bald Eagle study which means I get to do nest checks and count eggs and then go back and check fledglings.  I am pretty excited about it.  I am also in charge of the moose studies but that the work won't start until October or November.  Plus I will be working on the brown bear/human reaction study.  I can't believe how much fun I am going to have and another plus another biologist was assigned the bat project.  YEAH!  My fisrt assignment is to book the flight schedule for the eagle surveys.  I have been scheduled to go to brooks camp on the 19th - 27th.  I can't wait to see it.

We saw our first mammal.  It was brown and white and had the prettiest ears.  They were brown with white spots.  Guessed what it is yet?  It was a rabbit eating in our front yard.  Nothing big yet but it shouldn't be too long.

The first of the food boxes arrived today.  So we had a real homecooked meal for supper.  I ordered a produce box from a place called  They box up produce and deliver it to a location in town.  You order it by the size of box, regular or family size.  They pack it with different produce each delivery but you can tell them items that you do not want ever in your box.  I get my first one on the 12th.  I also ordered my first delivery from Span Alaska.  I ordered 15 dozen eggs, 18 pounds of oranges, 20 pounds of hamburger, 5 pounds of onions and 18 pounds of butter.  Total cost $217.  Then I had to add $10 for insurance so that in case the plane crashes I still get my food.  Then after I sumitted my order I found out there will be a hidden charge because I ordered frozen food.  I will find that amount out when they ship it.

Overall I am enjoying being here very much.  The people are wonderful and go out of their way to help you out.

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