Monday, May 16, 2011

And The East Winds Blew In

I was all excited to have my first real adventure in Alaska today.  I walked to work keeping my eyes peeled for anything.  I saw a pair of hares.  I saw wolf tracks and thought this was a sign of good day.  I got to work and collected my helmet and flight suit for the flight to survey bald eagles, which was scheduled for 10 am.  Then I went to work.  I was shopping for my personal field gear on the web for things that I would need in the bush.  Then I had a meeting to attend on construction work being done at the park.  Some time during that meeting the East winds began to blow. 

The bald eagle surveys are done in a low flying aircraft, flying 150 - 300 feet above the ground.  There are two people in the plane that are observers and the pilot.  As the pilot flys over the coastlines of lakes the two observers look for eagles nest.  When you spot one you are to be quiet until the pilot flys over it.  Then we say saw a nest and hopefully the other observer saw it too.  Then the pilot turns the plane around and flies in circles around the nest while information is taken.  Is the nest occupied?  Are there eggs?  How many?  Are the adults nearby and what are they doing?  You take gps coordinates and then take pictures.  Then you go back to flying the coastlines until another nest is sighted.   Having a wind speed of 10 mph is okay.  15 mph is pushing it but the East winds today were blowing over twenty miles an hour.

Needless to say I was disappointed.  But I learned all the storms that hit King Salmon come from the East.  In the office East winds are called your screwed days.  These winds can bring five foot waves on the various lakes so that you can not go out in low flying planes or boats.  If your in the office like I was today you get to work on data and paperwork.  But if your waiting to be picked up from a remote sight your screwed.  So I was warned to bring a book with me at all times.  When I go to the Katmai coast at the end of the month I have been told that I need to pack food for the four days I will be out there and an extra seven days in case the East winds keeps us stranded. 

It doesn't look like the weather patterns are going to change before I have to leave for Brooks Camp on Thursday morning.  That flight has all ready had the take off spot changed and the drop off spot changed so I will have to portage my gear.  I watched the float plane come in this afternoon and the wind was really pushing it around.  I have never flown in a small aircraft and I am not sure I want to have my first flight be in these East winds so I am praying they leave town by Thursday.

The day was not all bad.  I went to the range and passed my gun certification.  Nine shots made it into the heart and lungs of the paper grizzly.  I kept the target paper as my trophy and the bruise on my shoulder has grown in size.

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