Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ice Fog Cometh

It is beginning to be a habit.  As the sun is low in the horizon the fog bank rises.  It is caused by all the moisture in the air and the cold temps and the open water.  The combination of the three creates not just an ordinary fog bank but a bank of fog so thick you can not see across the street.  A fog bank so thick that the airport closes.  A fog bank so thick that you shiver just looking at it.  You just look out the window and say "wow".  It lasts until the sun is high enough to melt it away.  Yesterday we had such a fog.  It was amazing to look out the window and see nothing but gray.  The dampness of it went right through you.  Everything in view just disappeared into the emptiness.  It would have been a day to curl up with a book under blanket but I spent the day in an eight hour meeting, the fog bank keeping me memorized as I listened to other talk.

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