Craig and I thought we would head to Naknek to see the fishing. We were told that you should go check it out because it is a little crazy. So thats how we sprent our day. We drove down to the beach on Bristal Bay. When we got out of the car and walked down to the beach we couldn't believe how many boats were out in the water. Each boat had a drift net out in the water to catch the fish. There were so many boats trying to fish it is hard to imagine a salmon actually getting thru and reaching Brooks River. As the boats floated around on the water they reminded me of the old magnetic football games where when you turned on the switch every piece moved around in little circles not really going anywhere.
From the beach set nets were laid out. Every 200 yards a person, with a permit, can lay out a 100 foot net starting from shore out in the bay. At the end of the net is a buoy. The entire beach was covered in these nets. On the beach were signs marking who's area it was and their phone number. In the bay were small skiffs bouncing in the waves at the end of the nets. High tide was just going out and people began to pull in the nets. We watched as the boats began to fill up with salmon.
Once the boats were filled or the nets cleared. All the boats headed to a large barge out amongst all the boats. This boat collected the catch, weighing the fish and then I guess they give the fishermen a voucher for the amount paid for the salmon. Some of the drift netters keep thier salmon for food over the year. It is interesting to hear what people want for their supply. Craig and I have one. It is a start! Fishing lisences are expensive for non-residents so I am going to wait until next season. You have to live in Alaska for a year before your a resident. But I think I might want to try to catch one. Not with a large net. I think I will start smaller and try it with a pole first.
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