Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Camp Company

Day 3 at Katmai started out out like day 2 rain, rain and more rain. We had gotten up to eat breakfast but because the rain was coming down so hard we decided to stay in our tents till after lunch hoping that the rain would ease up some. So I spent the morning inside my tent reading and watching drops of rain come in from the seams. Not all government equipment is the best. I was hoping the tents had been waterproofed and sealed for the season but I was finding out that was not the case. At 11:00 we got out to fix lunch. The rain was down to a mist so we decided to eat.

We cooked refried beans for soft shell tacos. I had made mine and was eating and watching out over the bay when up the hill came more company. I said "well hello there" . Coming up the hill to check out the refried bean smell was a large, male wolf. He was gray and brown colored with a white stoamch and large white tail. He came almost to the electric fence. He was the most beautiful creature. The intern stomped his foot and the wolf jumped and started to move away. I was tempted to let him have what was left of my taco. He was just looking out for an easy meal. I wasn't afraid at all just in awe of how beautiful he was. A few more seconds of checking us out and he moved on his way. It was the best part of day 3. After he left it was back to work, back to the cliff to see if the cameras were doing their job.

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